Compulsory insurance
OSGOVTS stands for the policy of "compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners". This type of car insurance is a necessity for every car owner, and the absence of a policy can lead to fines.

Travel insurance
With travel insurance, you are protected from unforeseen situations during your trip. We will help organize urgent medical, dental and legal assistance, we will compensate your expenses in case of loss of luggage, and you can also use the policy to submit documents for obtaining Schengen and other types of visas to the consulate of any country in the world.

Cargo insurance
Do you want to transport goods over long distances? Don't worry about their safety! For those who have their own business and are engaged in a business related to cargo transportation, we recommend the following insurance policy.

Property insurance
Property insurance A house or apartment is a valuable real estate. Flooding, theft, fire and other disasters not only cause a lot of trouble, but can also significantly undermine the family budget. If you do not have an insurance policy, then if the property is damaged, you will have to make repairs in the apartment or house at your own expense. Voluntary property insurance is an opportunity to protect property and save yourself from unforeseen financial costs.

Страхование строительно-монтажных рисков (СМР)
Страхование строительно-монтажных рисков (СМР) это - программа страхования для заказчиков и строительных компаний. Она обеспечивает комплексную защиту имущественных интересов, связанных со строительством, монтажом и ремонтом строительных объектов. Комплексная защита от: пожаров, аварий, стихийных бедствий и ответственности перед третьими лицами. Тарифы по страховым программам определяются индивидуально для каждого клиента и особенностей его бизнеса. Каждый договор можно настроить под себя: выбрать страховую сумму, страховые риски, франшизу и дополнительные условия.